I Want To Write Full Time

Jason A. Kilgore
4 min readJan 19, 2024

I have a day job, but like so many other writers, I dream of one day writing full time and making enough bucks to make a living at it.

It’s a dream shared by so many other creative people out there: artists, musicians, dancers, poets. Our creativity is part of our core being. As we go about our daily drudgery, our minds often go to our work in progress (WIP) or our next big idea.

Don’t get me wrong. I actually enjoy my day job and the people I work with. I earned two higher degrees for it. And after that, I’ve worked hard at my career as a scientist for almost three decades since then, through hard times and good times. I now make enough to live reasonably well. I’m not hurting.

And yet, writing is in my blood. Every still moment, my mind goes back to my books. Coming up with the next plot point while waiting in the doctor’s office. Visualizing the action during a break at work. Hearing the dialogue as I make some tea. Thinking up ideas while in the shower. All day long, I feel an irresistible urge to be back at my writing desk to bring it all to life on the page.

But I have to bring in the money. I can’t make enough of a living on my writing yet to even live modestly. Not yet. I still have a family to pay for. Too many bills to pay.



Jason A. Kilgore

Jason Kilgore is a published author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and is a scientist by career. He lives in Oregon and is addicted to chocolate.