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Sage Advice For Writers

Jason Kilgore


Writers are full of advice for other writers, and it seems the experienced writers make you pay for it. But, below, is a collection of easy but wise advice I have gleaned from a variety of very reliable sources, such as creative writing college instructors and other experienced writers, since I started writing and that I have found helpful. I hope you find it helpful as well.

Of course, all rules are meant to be broken in at least some circumstances.

Please leave comments with your thoughts.

  • A problem that a character can walk away from is a book a reader can walk away from.
  • Write to your audience.
  • Write dialogue that’s worth eavesdropping on.
  • Don’t be afraid to “kill your darlings” if it furthers the plot (whether “darlings” refers to characters, favorite plot devices, subplots, or even entire chapters).
  • Don’t be in love with your words. Cut mercilessly as needed.
  • Add action tags to prevent “talking heads.”
  • Make your main characters memorable. Otherwise they’re lost in the crowd.
  • Every character should have a unique viewpoint, “voice,” and motivation or they become clones.
  • Just when your main characters seem to get a grip on the situation, torment them, then have them claw their way out.
  • Your main characters need to be active and turn things around in the plot, not just followers; no one roots for a puppet.
  • Emotions make characters interesting. Make them express themselves, unless they’re Mr. Spock.
  • Make every word do work for the story.
  • Avoid info dumps. Dole out the details and backstory or the reader gets buried.
  • Sensory details bring a scene to life. Have a mental meter for the five senses.
  • Writing groups, reviewers, and editors take your work to the next level. Be open-minded to critique.
  • A main character’s world and her role in it should be larger and more complex than what is represented in the book. Then hint at that larger role to show that your character isn’t just a cardboard cutout.
  • Know your characters better than…



Jason Kilgore

Jason Kilgore is a published author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and is a scientist by career. He lives in Oregon and is addicted to chocolate.