Should You Get A Writing Coach?

Jason A. Kilgore
5 min readMar 22, 2024

You want to write the best book you can, but there’s so much to learn. Can a writing coach help you? Keep reading….

Image by John Schonobrich from Unsplash

Writing a book isn’t just about putting words on paper. Congratulations if you’ve gotten that far. Really. Check out these statistics. But there’s so much more to it. And I’m not even talking about spelling, grammar, sentence structure, plot, characters, and all of the “craft” of writing. We will assume for the moment that you’ve taken English classes and a good creative writing class. What comes next?

This is where you need a writing coach. There’s a lot they don’t teach you in that creative writing class when it actually comes to the business of being an author. Here are just a few of the basic questions they could help you with:

  • What program or app is best to use? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Scrivener? The days of simply writing on a pad of paper or a manual typewriter are long gone. You have to get those words into a digital format.
  • How do you manage your writing time? We have busy lives, after all. Most writers still have day jobs. Many of us have children to raise and households to run. We have active lives. Where can you fit in writing time?
  • Should you make an outline? What does that even entail? There are different kinds of outlines. Which is best for your kind of…



Jason A. Kilgore

Jason Kilgore is a published author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and is a scientist by career. He lives in Oregon and is addicted to chocolate.