Why I Chose To Publish With A Small Press

Jason A. Kilgore
5 min readFeb 23, 2024
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Not so long ago, I blogged about why I chose to be self-published. But as of January of this year, I’ve been moving away from that and have now signed with a small press, GladEye Press. Why did I change? And should you pursue such a deal, too? Read on.…

I spent the better part of ten years trying to pursue the traditional publishing route without success. In a nutshell, it was hard to even get an agent to even read sample chapters, much less a publishing house. The road was paved with rejections, being ignored, and unprofessional behavior by agents. But then Amazon made it easy to self-publish, and I eventually went that route. I started self-publishing in 2019 and have felt reasonably successful at it. I’ve published four books that way so far, as well as some “quick reads” short stories.

The primary benefit of self-publishing is that you have complete control over everything: the creative process, cover design, deadlines, editing. You name it. And the royalty percentage can’t be beat.

But there were also downsides. I had to pay for everything up front, including editing and cover art. I had an uphill battle learning how to do my own marketing and promotion. And I had to do all the convincing to get bookstores to carry my books.



Jason A. Kilgore

Jason Kilgore is a published author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and is a scientist by career. He lives in Oregon and is addicted to chocolate.